Wednesday 29 August 2012

Day 3: Reunited with Yuka

I woke up extremely excited for the day! I was going to be reunited with Yuka! 2 years ago when I arrived in Tokyo, I had a challenge to get a photo with a Harajuku girl (Gwen Stefani style). On my first day I saw 3 asian girls dressed in Harajuku clothes and I went upto them and in very shit Japanese asked if I could take a photo with them. One of the girls said "I'm from London, I speak English, mate". That was WENDY, who is actually Chinese! The other two girls were Yuka and her sister Moe, both Japanese. Yuka spoke very good English and after we took photos they invited me to go shopping in Shinjuku. We became good friends and I met up with Yuka lots more times before I went home so we got real close! We kept in touch over the 2 years since I left so we had planned our first meeting again for a long time!

We arranged to meet at Tokyo Sky Tree! One of the tallest buildings in the world now! Beneath is a massive shopping centre filled with something fucking ridiculous like 400 shops and restaurants. I went early to explore and take some photos. Yuka told me to go wait by the Moomin cafe! I was stood blissfully unaware she was running towards me and she almost tackled me to the ground she was so excited to see me! I couldn't believe we'd been reunited! I was so happy to see her! We decided to go eat at the "Tearoom", though I'm sure any of the hundreds of restaurants would have been nice. I ordered my own food in Japanese which was awesome! I've definitely gained a lot more confidence since my last trip and Yuka said my Japanese has improved lots. We spent most of lunch catching up and then we talked about how I can get internet in Japan! Yuka explained pocket wifi to me which is basically like a portable wireless internet router that you can put in your bag and use on the go! Even in the underground! I don't know why we don't have it in the UK! It would certainly stop me using my 3G and having a huge bill.

We walked around the shopping centre for a bit! Everything looked so clean and expensive! We came across the "SECRET! Expo", which was basically a Korean K-pop band debuting in Japan! The teenage girls were going f'ing cray cray aha! We then had to goto Yuka's University to drop off a book! It didn't take too long but the heat was unbearable, like so bad! We then headed to Akihabara (famous for it's massive range of electrical goods) to get me some pocket wifi. We spoke to this cute shopworker who told us that I need to have a Visa credit card to make a contract with the company, which I unfortunately did not have. Yuka then said she can pay it on her credit card and I just pay her back, which was incredibly nice of her! Part of the deal was a 10,000 yen gift voucher (75 pounds ish) so I gave it to her to spend on whatever she liked to say thank you.

After we bought my pocket wifi (which worked straight away) we bought my cute little bear fan for my room ahah! It was only like 6 pounds! So cheap and so cute! It was then time to meet Yuka's two friends in Azabu Juban where there was a masssssiiiveee food festival! We arrived at the station and it was packed with people in traditional Japanese dress! The exit to the festival actually had a queue to get on the escalator, like 200 people long! It was crazy! We left via a different exit but as soon as we got to the festival it was almost impossible to move! So many food stalls with food i'd never even seen before! Everyone was having a great time and enjoying all the crazy food! We met Yuka's two friends right after watching a very weird ?street performer? Who I think may actually have just been someone who was severely mentally ill and then we tried to find somewhere to relax. We found a cute wee Japanese tea room not far from the festival and just relaxed with some tea and sweets!

After we had finished, Yuka's friends had to get the last train home! So we said our farewells and I headed to Shibuya to say hi to Shibuya Crossing, one of my favourite places in Tokyo, before heading home before my first day in the hospital! :)

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