Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 5: Secretto Cigaretto

I woke up early because I was gasping for air! My air con is really shit (I think it's broken) and so I had completely dried out over night in the 30 degree heat :( I decided I had to speak to the accom. office and let them know it needed to be fixed/replaced. The only problem was that the staff don't speak a word of English. Anyway, I headed to the case conference in the doctor's room and met up with Dr Takeda again, who translated everything for me. The cases were all really interesting and it was cool to get to go see the patients being talked about afterwards. It was a totally different team that I was working with today so I had to introduce myself again to them. A little bit embarrassing but even in one day my Japanese was a lot better.

At the handover I was put into a team with a couple other doctors so I would shadow them all day. They spoke better english than the doctors I had been with the day prior and if they didn't know how to say it in english they would go look it up on their phones or in their Japanese dictionary. One of the doctors was suffering from hayfever and needed an injection of anti-histamine so he asked me to do it for him! I was a bit unsure but they egged me on (in Japanese, or at least I assumed they were egging me on). After that they asked me if I could take blood and I said I had done loads in the past! They got me to do it using Japanese equipment which was pretty different but I managed it no problem! I got to learn the names for the equipment in Japanese which was very useful! I just spent the day learning lots more Japanese phrases and words from all the doctors until lunch time when again I was asked what I wanted! This time we were having Sushi! I didn't really know what I was ordering this time either but I just went for it.

When it arrived we sat on the sofas and watched a Japanese game show. It involved celebrities guessing the identity of another guest. They did this by being presented with people who look like them. The first person supposedly looked 5% like the guest. Then the next person looked 20% and so on until the next person looked 95% like them! The celebrities had to whisper in the presenter's ear if they thought they knew! It was so bizarre aha. My food was also absolutely delicious! One of the doctors was surprised I liked it so much! After lunch, one of the doctors had offered to come help me tell the accom. office about my air con problem! Very nice of her and they went along and concluded that my air con was in fact not working! So they were going to fix it later in the week. I was so glad.

After lunch we went back to work and saw lots of more patients! All the doctors were very impressed with how much my Japanese was improving. I read out a sentence from the notes and the consultant almost fell off his seat he was so impressed. One of the younger doctors asked me if I smoked and I said sometimes, usually when i'm drinking. He said he was the same but he really wanted to go for one. He said he knew a secret place and we went there for a cheeky cigarette! He also bought me a drink from Starbucks aha! He asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told him that I was gay. Japan can be quite conservative when it comes to that kind of thing so I was very pleased to hear he had gay friends and "he doesn't discriminate against people". He said his girlfriend is always going to gay clubs to dance which was funny to hear. I told him all about Scotland was going to legalise same-sex marriage and he was really impressed.

We went back to the hospital and finished off the rest of the day! I couldn't believe how much my feet were hurting I thought I was going to faint! I guess it was good practice for the rest of my career aha. Before the end of the day 2 of my colleagues invited me out for dinner on thursday night! My first night out with my colleagues! So exciting! After work I went home and got changed, before heading out to Shibuya to go for dinner! On the way home I got on the wrong train and ended up miles away, so annoying. I think my jet lag was finally gone though so there's a plus.

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