Saturday 1 September 2012

Day 6: Free Hamburgers for Breakfast

I was running a tiny bit late this morning and when I arrived at the hospital the Case Conference meeting had already started. It was literally only a couple minutes past 8am so I thought they must have started pretty sharpish. I slid past everyone in the dark room whilst someone was explaining a CT scan (in Japanese- not a clue what they were on about) and I spotted Dr Takeda at the back of the room smiling at me! I told him I was sorry for being late and he said "OH NO I forgot to tell you on Wednesdays we start at 7.30am, i'm sorry!". YAS ya dancer! I got off with it aha.

He pointed over to a table at the side of the room and said "You want a hamburger? Or ramen? Or curry? Or pork cutlets?" I was so confused. I looked over and there was literally SO MUCH TAKE-OUT FOOD. FOR FREE!!! They must have a money tree in the back garden, honestly! I had actually skipped breakfast so this was a godsend. I sneaked over and grabbed a hamburger and a bottle of coke. When I opened it up it had fries, onion rings and a big piece of fried chicken as well as a huge burger. I was in heaven! Why did I even bring money on this trip? lol! Dr Takeda did what he normally did and translated what was going on! Again, very interesting cases.

It happened to be the day of the Junior Doctor's presentations, because they were finishing at the ER. I sat through 4 what-I-assume-were-very-interesting cases. It came with handouts so I could kind of follow what was going on. Dr Takeda was telling me what certain things meant in English on my handout so that was good. When all the talks were finished, the 4 junior doctors who were leaving the ward made little speeches saying how thankful they were to all their staff followed by lots of bowing, it was so interesting to witness! They love making speeches of thanks in this country!

When the presentations were over I spent the day in the ER with some really really cute female doctors. They were trying so hard to dictate everything in English, and we learned things from each other. Everyone was so helpful, again! It had essentially been different staff i'd been working with each day which was good because I got to meet everyone who works in the ER and befriend them!

For lunch, we had "Indian" but Japanese Indian if you catch my drift. They love a curry in this country and although it was nothing like the Indian takeaways you get in the homeland it was pretty good. IT CAME WITH A BAKED POTATO. That's how different it is here! There were lots of ambulance calls in the afternoon so I was kept busy. I took a lot of patients for CT scans and actually got to do that thing where someone counts to three and you lift them onto a bed! I felt like I was George Clooney or some shit in ER. My feet were starting to get used to all the standing, though I had quite a lot of blisters by this point.

One thing I have noticed since starting. When one of the 4 phones on the main desk goes off people literally dive to answer it. There was one time when no one was in the room and like 4 people just appeared out of nowhere sprinting to pick it up. They sometimes fight for who answers it!! Hard-working people! :D

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