Friday 26 October 2012

Day 58: Last day in Tokyo

I spent most of the day packing and cleaning, it needed to be done so it wasn't like I wasted the day. I had to prepare mind and body for my Sayonara Party. It was going to be a tough evening saying goodbye to all my friends :(. I had decided to go for the "GO OUT ALL NIGHT, GET THE FIRST TRAIN HOME AND THEN GO STRAIGHT TO THE AIRPORT" option because my flight to Seoul was at 9.15am... Only god could tell me if I would achieve this. It seemed doubtful though. When I had gotten myself ready I headed to Shinjuku to meet everyone. Nat grabbed my ass at the crossing so her and Alex was first to arrive and then everyone arrived at once at Studio Alta. Some people were running late so we just headed to the restaurant to meet the others. It was only round the corner which was useful and we said our hellos. Lots of people didn't know each other so we went round the table and said our names and where we were from. Turns out we had like 9 nationalities there - i'mma so multicultural gurrrlll.

The meal was delicious (apart from the natto kebab) and the food literally kept coming. Just when I thought it was finished more and more food came, THEN MORE came. I was so full and then the ice cream came out so my 2nd stomach inflated. The latecomers kept arriving and I was so happy everyone managed to make it. After dinner we all headed to a nearby arcade and got lots of purikura taken before saying our goodbyes. I first said goodbye to Yuka and could not stop crying, then when she left I said goodbye to Kouji, and still could not stop crying. For about 20 minutes I cried and then I regained my composure and the rest of us headed to Nichome for some drinks in Dragon. Nat was so good at cheering me up. I so did not want to leave and I was pretty drunk (anyone who knows me, knows how often I cry when drunk). We got to Dragon and got lots of nice drinks and I made even more friends before leaving.

I somehow ended up playing pass the chewing gum with like 8 random people in the street so I most likely have hepatitis now... It went on the floor (cos some people were shit at it) and the girl I just met kept picking it up! What a minger! But to be fair, I was too drunk to even care. Tak arrived and I was glad I got to say goodbye to him too (was just lucky he was visiting Tokyo with his family). I dont know how 5 hours passed in that bar but it did and it became time to say goodbye. Saying goodbye to Shuho at Shinjuku station was pretty emotional and we both cried. God, so glad I wore waterproof mascara. I got on my train, depressed and 30 minutes later I was at my apartment, still drunk desperately trying to get my shit together and head to the station. My god were my bags heavy. I got to the airport, checked in no problem and had my last Japanese breakfast! :( It was even too early for the Hello Kitty store to be open. So shit :(

I got on my plane and said goodbye to Japan once more. I had the best time of my life and made so many amazing friends. I can't wait to see them all again and I hope they will come visit me! :)

Day 57: Packing :(

Such a boring day, all I did was actually officially pack my clothes (always shite) and then I met my friend Braulio for dinner and wine in order to say goodbye before my last day approached :(.

Day 56: All you can drink and almost breaking my tailbone

After waking up I headed straight to Tokyo Sky Tree to do a little bit of shopping pour ma famille. I bought some fucking beautiful glittery blue chopsticks for myself and some nice little Japanese things for my gran and mum. I was starving and literally every single restaurant had queues going for days. In the UK when people see a queue for a restaurant they think "FUCK THAT". In Japan, when people see a queue for a restaurant they think "OH IT MUST BE GREAT LET'S QUEUE". So bizarre. I ended up in this German Oktoberfest themed restaurant... in Japan. Everything on the menu was extortionate so I got the cheapest thing and headed off home. I had some last minute packing things to do and washing clothes. I decided to go back to Harajuku, where 2 years earlier I had bought a ring from this cool silver jewellery store. At the time, the guy said I could come back and get it reshaped for free. While I was waiting, I had a look around the extortionate shop and found my ring design. It was genuinely the cheapest thing in the whole place, haaa. Are you sensing a trend here....

Well it gets worse, I then headed to Daiso which is a 100yen store (=80p) and bought some cheap shit to take home (e.g. more chopsticks). I then headed home to get ready for my night out with my shabu shabu bitches. I had to meet Dr Takeda one last time so he could sign my Elective Attendance sheet and give me my mark. I got a chance to see some of the doctors at the hospital and say goodbye and Dr Takeda signed my sheet and gave me top marks for everything (despite being admitted to my own A&E for being drunkenly unconscious) which was amazing. I said my goodbye and then I headed straight to the train station to meet my bitches in Shibuya. I went to this nomihoudai (all you can drink) restaurant with them and it was so much fun! I ordered two beers at a time because they were so slow at bringing our drinks! We had 3 hours to drink as much as we could. I really didn't think I was that drunk and maybe I wasn't in the restaurant but after we met Erik and headed to the club in Omotesando and got more drinks (again, two at a time) I was absolutely wasted. There is a huge 4 hour gap in the night where we somehow ended up in a bar in Shibuya with these English guys and I thought I was going to throw up so had to go home (it was 5am, so it was hardly like I was giving up).

I said goodbye to my girls and then jumped on the first train home. I got to the train station (not far away from my apartment). Really not difficult to get home but I was so drink I went the wrong way and had to get A TAXI HOME. I have made that journey about 20 times, so bad. I curled up into bed to prepare myself for the hangover of tomorrow! :(

Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 55: Farewell Ryota

We slept in really late because we were up watching Resident Evil films all night. When we eventually got our acts together we headed to a nearby restaurant to eat some Tonkatsu before getting the train home. Ryota had a work event near where I live so we got the train together. It was such a sad train journey, knowing I wouldn't see him again for a very long time. Saying goodbye was pretty difficult. I had to hold back a few tears! We had really bonded together. I got on my train and headed to my station after saying goodbye. I spent the evening pretty bummed out, realising I would have to do this a lot more times at my leaving party on saturday. :(

Day 54: Resident Evil x2 and Pole Dancing Lesson

I left my morning empty so I could go for a walk around the nearby area in order to say goodbye. I had arranged to meet my friend Ryota later in the day. We met in Shinjuku Studio alta before heading to an arcade to take some purikura photos. We decided to play this amazing shooting game before heading to Wald9 cinema to see Resident Evil 5 (I had already seen it a few weeks prior but Ryota was dying to see it). Such a good film, shockingly I still jumped as many times as I did last time, not learning from last time.

After the film was finished Ryota said his pole dancing studio was free to use. I was dying for him to give me a pole dancing lesson. We headed to Shibuya and arrived at his studio, where his instructor Kaori was giving some hot girl a lesson in pole dancing. He made me put on the tiniest shorts before instructing me on some very basic pole dancing. It fucking hurt I can tell you that. Really makes you sweat hehe ;). Kaori was absolutely lovely and showed off a lot of her amazing high speed pole dancing skills. She was a nurse originally who went into pole dancing, which I thought was really cool. I met Ryota's other friend Haruna, who was about 145cm tall - 40cm shorter than me aha.

I invited Kaori out to dinner and the three of us headed to a nice restaurant nearby. Her english was very good so it was easy to converse with her. Like most asian women, she was 10 years older than I thought she was, which is crazy. Afterwards she took us to this petshop nearby to see the little puppy she wants to buy. She said she gave him the name of a famous samurai. He cost a fucking fortune though, better be worth it.

I said my goodbyes to Kaori :( and then Ryota and I decided we wanted to watch more Resident Evil films so headed back to his apartment and bought some munch too. I was in so much pain from the pole dancing, I was definitely going to regret it in the morning.

Day 53: Hangover Burgers

I woke up at approximately 3pm after my night of heavy drinking. All I did afterwards was meet my friend Doug for Burgers and saying goodbye before I left Tokyo. :(

Day 52: Almost missing my flight -> Jikei goodbye

I woke up in a daze, my head was banging and I appeared to have stubbed my toe. I looked at my phone to see it was 8.15am..... WTF?! MY FLIGHT IS LEAVING IN 45 MINUTES! "WAYNE GET THE FUCK UP AND HELP ME PACK I'M GOING TO MISS MY FLIGHT"!!!! We scrambled to get all my shit together, me looking like an absolute train wreck. I gave him a quick hug and jumped in a taxi! TSONG SHAN AIRPORT PLEASE! He sped off and as I repeatedly checked my phone I almost started crying, convinced I was going to miss my flight. Such a first world problem.

I didn't have enough money to pay for the taxi ride so I gave the driver my Taiwanese travel card (like an Oyster card) which had about 2 pounds on it (sorry bout it) and then BOLTED IT into the airport. The desk was still open, the flight attendants were like ARE YOU PAUL GRAY OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO HURRY. I have never seen someone scan a passport and print a ticket so quickly in my life. I like ran up the escalator, looking like a crazed lunatic! Running through every desk that came my way. As I reached my gate, looking like a murder victim they were boarding the last passengers. It was 8.50am. THANK FUCK FOR THAT. I got on the plane, with some serious chest pains and sweating like a whore in a church. Who cared, I made it on time.

I slept the entire flight, after dealing with my traumatic experience. I arrived in Tokyo relaxed and headed back to my apartment to get my life back in order. I was meeting the Jikei staff at the hospital around 8pm so I had some time.

I headed to the hospital to meet the gang and we waited a fucking age for the nurses to get their shit together. Misono (one of the nurses) had convinced the charge nurse to come out for dinner! We went to this really cool chicken restaurant where they served charcoal broiled chicken, making it black. Dericious! After dinner, Misono and the other nurses presented me with two charms, wishing for my career success and finding love! It was the cutest thing EVER, such a nice gesture. We said goodbye to some of the people (who needed to get the train home) while the rest of us partied away at ALL you can drink Karaoke! I got majorly involved! Everyone was plowing me with drink so I was eventually carried home. I remember saying goodbye for about 20 minutes before I finally went upstairs. My Jikei family :( noooo x