Friday 19 October 2012

Day 46: Back to Tokyo!

After I woke up I headed to Tak's house to go play with his son Jun and his new puppy! I arrived at the station and Tak picked me up. We walked back to his apartment and on arriving I received a cute welcome from his new poodle, which is called Noodle. His son Jun is so cute! He can speak English and Japanese and he's only like 6. We played Mario Kart and I absolutely thrashed them both. All those years of practice finally paid off. The phrase "i've been playing this since before you were born" has never been more true. I was drinking a can of beer and the damn dog knocked it over, gutted. I then tried out Tak's massage chair, oh my was it good.

We then all headed out to lunch together near the airport. We had this cool indoor BBQ food that we pretty much cooked ourselves. After that they both took me to the airport for my short flight back to Tokyo. My only plans that evening were to wash my clothes and pack my bag for Taipei the following day! :D

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