Friday 19 October 2012

Day 45: Universal Studios Osaka

We slept in so woke up starving and had a long day ahead of us at Universal Studios. We got a quick burger at KFC before hopping on the train (again, dumping our bags in a locker). The closer we got to the theme park the more people started to appear. I totally forgot it was a sunday, which explained why there were so many fucking people.

We walked along the path to the entrance and there were just so many people. It suddenly had become absolutely roasting as well. We paid our entry and Tak had reserved express tickets, I would later find this to be essential in a Japanese theme park. We went to the first ride, a huge rollercoaster, and it had a wait time of like 90 minutes... For the commoners. Not even kidding it took us 5 minutes to get to the ride. The woman then takes us to the front row seats. Those poor people burning alive down below and it took us 5 minutes. It felt amazing I won't lie.

After that we decided to goto Jaws. This ride was maybe 30 mins wait for express ticket holders. It was actually pretty decent as well. The woman on our boat was a pretty dec actress. Obviously she spoke all in Japanese so I just screamed when everyone else did. After that there was this absolutely massive parade. I am not exaggerating there were about 50 floats and it lasted about 2 hours. We kept trying to get away from it and it kept finding us. The same 4 bars of music over and over and over again. All the fake smiles and drum banging. 3 times I thought it had finished before it started ALL over again. I got so mad lol.

We were going to on the Spider-Man ride but for absolutely no reason the queue was about 2h30 for express and 4h for everyone else. I had been on it in Orlando and it was shite. Was I fuck waiting that long for a ride. Last time I waited that long for a ride was space mountain at Disney world and I almost pissed myself so had to piss in a bottle IN THE QUEUE. I was 15, cut me some slack.

So after that we decided to have a hot dog before exploring around. We went to the Jurassic park ride. We ended up in the front row AGAIN. I remember in Orlando I didn't even get a tiny bit wet, so I was pretty fearless this time. How wrong I was... I got fucking soaked. Like so soaked.

We had tickets to the mummy haunted house at 6, giving us queue jump. It was actually pretty scary. Shat myself a couple times. After that we walked a trek to the other side of the park for our next queue jump ride. The park warned us they were turning into Halloween zone. Like all the staff turned into zombies and were running around scaring fuck out of everyone. The best one was a midget in a pushchair pretending to be a zombie baby. So scary. Someone with a cleaver ran at me. Some silly bitch saw me and my pale skin and thought I was a zombie so screamed and ran away. Dick.

We made it to the ride and it was another haunted house but it was an abandoned aquarium? Fucking psychopaths chasing us from all directions. My heart, honestly. I got some srs chest pain. After that ordeal was over we headed to our last ride, this space travel one. It was quite similar to space mountain in the sense it was pitch fucking black and you had no idea what direction you were going. To make it worse the cart span around over and over. I have never screamed so much in my life.

When they ride was over it was time to go! It was late! We headed back into Osaka city centre before going on a big ferris wheel (on top of a 10F building) and then hit a couple of bars to relax after our stressful day! :)

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