Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 52: Almost missing my flight -> Jikei goodbye

I woke up in a daze, my head was banging and I appeared to have stubbed my toe. I looked at my phone to see it was 8.15am..... WTF?! MY FLIGHT IS LEAVING IN 45 MINUTES! "WAYNE GET THE FUCK UP AND HELP ME PACK I'M GOING TO MISS MY FLIGHT"!!!! We scrambled to get all my shit together, me looking like an absolute train wreck. I gave him a quick hug and jumped in a taxi! TSONG SHAN AIRPORT PLEASE! He sped off and as I repeatedly checked my phone I almost started crying, convinced I was going to miss my flight. Such a first world problem.

I didn't have enough money to pay for the taxi ride so I gave the driver my Taiwanese travel card (like an Oyster card) which had about 2 pounds on it (sorry bout it) and then BOLTED IT into the airport. The desk was still open, the flight attendants were like ARE YOU PAUL GRAY OH MY GOD YOU NEED TO HURRY. I have never seen someone scan a passport and print a ticket so quickly in my life. I like ran up the escalator, looking like a crazed lunatic! Running through every desk that came my way. As I reached my gate, looking like a murder victim they were boarding the last passengers. It was 8.50am. THANK FUCK FOR THAT. I got on the plane, with some serious chest pains and sweating like a whore in a church. Who cared, I made it on time.

I slept the entire flight, after dealing with my traumatic experience. I arrived in Tokyo relaxed and headed back to my apartment to get my life back in order. I was meeting the Jikei staff at the hospital around 8pm so I had some time.

I headed to the hospital to meet the gang and we waited a fucking age for the nurses to get their shit together. Misono (one of the nurses) had convinced the charge nurse to come out for dinner! We went to this really cool chicken restaurant where they served charcoal broiled chicken, making it black. Dericious! After dinner, Misono and the other nurses presented me with two charms, wishing for my career success and finding love! It was the cutest thing EVER, such a nice gesture. We said goodbye to some of the people (who needed to get the train home) while the rest of us partied away at ALL you can drink Karaoke! I got majorly involved! Everyone was plowing me with drink so I was eventually carried home. I remember saying goodbye for about 20 minutes before I finally went upstairs. My Jikei family :( noooo x

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