Saturday 13 October 2012

Day 41: Day Trip to Kamakura

I overslept a little bit so I just headed to the station and had a quick tempura lunch before getting the train to Kamakura to see the big Buddha :). The train didn't take as long as I thought it would and after one line change I was in North Kamakura station. It was absolutely pissing down with rain and I left my umbrella at home. Gid wan Paul. I walked up to the first temple and luckily for me there was a store outside the temple that sold cheap umbrellas. I bought a blue one (to match my eyes, as always) and headed up to the temple. It was so pretty and again very relaxing! Even with all the rain. This woman on a postman's motorbike came riding up and ruined my tranquility. She was delivering letters to the temple. I don't know why I didn't think they would receive mail at the temple…

I decided to walk the 20 minute walk to the next temple down the road. I was surrounded by tiny little houses and forrests as far as I could see. Again, very peaceful! I eventually reached the next huge temple. There were lots of people here taking photos. I walked down about 100 steps to get to the main entrance of the table, pointing towards the city centre and the train station. I walked down the main street of Kamakura, past lots of cute little shops. They mostly sold the same thing- plates. Weird. I decided to chill in a nice little cafe with a beer and a lemon pie aha.

Afterwards I got the monorail to the Daibutsu station. There was a sudden influx of tourists as I walked up from the station. It was getting darker and colder, people were surprised to see me in such little clothes at this point. I arrived at the temple housing the Daibutsu and took about a million photos. It was absolutely huge. I felt so lonely, I was the only person there by themselves :(. Everyone else had other people to take photos of them with the big buddha! I had to ask some random old woman to take mine for me. I decided to call the day quits as I had done so much walking around. I got the monorail back to Kamakura main station and then hopped on the train back to Tokyo.

Whilst on the train I decided to pay Yokohama a visit (city next to Tokyo) as I had never been. I just made a fleeting visit for dinner. I had some Okonomiyaki again, which is usually something you cook yourself on a hue hotplate but the waitress had to make mine for me aha. When I was done I jumped on the next train back home and have an early night. I needed to spend the following day preparing for my trips to Osaka and Taipei!

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