Monday 1 October 2012

Day 34: Beer museum and party time!!

I woke up and felt a little refreshed. We had to attend the case conference before we could go home. I met a doctor there who loved Edinburgh a LOT. When were finished the doctors gave us breakfast. I can't count how many meals I've been bought. We walked to the station and got the train back. We decided to goto the Yebisu beer museum, for the sheer craic. Each train station in Tokyo has its own little tune and the Ebisu station one is the Yebisu song. We found the museum after much searching and bought the tour tickets. We were joined by 5 students. I think we were all there for the beer tasting at the end lol.

The tour guide was this cute little woman who could not have been nicer. Funniest thing ever, she was all quiet before the tour then she like strapped on a mic and dimmed the lights and this music came on. She sounded like a boxing match commentator. You could tell she really loved Yebisu beer. I sat at the back reading the English tour commentary, I felt like such a dunce. She kept asking questions to us all about Yebisu beer ha. She asked me what we eat with beer. I ended up saying haggis and everyone was so intrigued by it. It turns out I'm not even that sure what is in it, does anybody though? We finished the museum tour and headed to the tasting area (pretty sure that's the only reason any of us were there lol). We sat around a big table and were given little glasses of beer to taste. Light and dark beers. She then showed us a really cool way to pour beer from a can and asked who would like to taste, obviously my hand shot up and so did Hiro's so we split it.

At this point a smiling barmaid came over and put down a bit of paper in the tour guides table. She brought it over and showed me the Japanese Wikipedia page for haggis!!!! Hahaha! They really were intrigued! After the tour was finished we got some pictures and then Hiro and I decided to get another beer. This time grape flavoured? It was on offer lol.

We needed something to soak up the alcohol so we got some delicious food nearby. Afterwards we went back to Ebisu station and said our goodbyes until Friday! I got the train home so I could go get ready for the party.

I got ready and opted for trousers again, it was a lot cooler so this was no problem now. I arrived at the restaurant to find the Jikei ER had booked out the entire restaurant for like 40 of us. Nuts. We sat down and were quickly given this gigantic salad. I think it was made from daikon, a Japanese root vegetable. It genuinely filled me up and I found out that it was one of about 6 courses. Next course was some tuna sashimi, delicious. The courses kept coming and the drinks kept flowing as it was all you can drink. I went for some secret cigs with Chiba-sensei and Okazawa-sensei. It wasn't long before we were all standing and speeches were being made by nurses and doctors who were leaving the ER. Then Itai-sensei turns to me and told me I was the last person to make a speech. I froze, totally unexpected. I was made to stand on a chair and in English basically just thanked everyone so much for being so welcoming and said I had made lots of lifelong friends here. They love a speech here ha. People were getting really emotional during some of the speeches ha, was very cute.

More drinking ensued and desserts came out. Professor Ogawa gave me a good chat about UK and Japanese culture. The meal finished and the older staff headed home after the photos whilst the younger staff went to karaoke round the corner. I tried to pay for my meal but the medical secretary stopped me lol. I then paid nothing for the karaoke and it was also all you can drink. I love Japan.

Unlike the UK where karaoke tends to be a lot of X Factor wannabes trying to show off the little talent they have, in Japan people are there for a good time. No one cares if you sing badly. It's all about enjoying yourself and everyone joins in. It's a lot of fun. :)

After our time was up most people went home but I managed to drag people out to one last bar (this is like 2am). Two nurses and 2 doctors came with me (Ito-ken and Masuda-sensei!) we just went to a quiet bar and got even more drinks. I ordered a straight double whisky on the rocks for absolutely no reason. I was chain smoking and eventually had to be taken home haha. An amazing night.

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