Wednesday 17 October 2012

Day 44: Being attacked by "sacred" deer

I woke up after an amazing sleep. This amazing breakfast was brought to our room. It was a bit extravagant to be honest, there was about 20 little plates. I didn't really know what I was eating but it was rather savoury. Still, it was tasty. I got showered and ready before we got our coach back into Osaka. There was tonnes of traffic on the motorway so it took longer than expected. We arrived and got something quick to eat before chucking our big bags in a locker. We were spending the afternoon in Nara, so didn't want to have to drag them around. I fell asleep on the train there, even though it was a rather short journey.

The experience in Nara was an amazing one. You buy lots of special biscuits for the THOUSANDS of deer that live in the park grounds and they go fucking mental for them. I was rammed and chased by so many, I was pretty scared most of the time. We walked through the beautiful park and eventually found the temples and shrines. The biggest Buddha statue in Japan was inside and oh my god was it huge. So many tourists around also. It was such a relaxing experience. Tak took about a million photos of me. It was starting to get late before long and we decided to goto SpaWorld back in Osaka before heading out that night.

We both fell asleep on the train home and luckily managed to wake up in time. We headed to SpaWorld, this absolutely gigantic spa/onsen/water park complex. We got changed on the 4th floor but had to go in the elevator in our trunks upto the 8th floor for the water park! There were so many amazing water slides and we also spent time outside on the roof in the warm baths. After we were done there we headed to the men only European style baths. You literally just wear a towel and walk around bollock naked. Something I did find interesting is that I found some of the baths to be far too hot but I was able to go all the way into a freezing cold bath where no one else would.

It was such a refreshing experience and when we were done we headed to dinner nearby. We found a restaurant which gave us all you can drink for the first hour. I was on a roll, because I managed 7 beers and 3 glasses of wine, the staff didn't seem too happy my 8 pound fee for all I could drink stretched so far. The rain came on shortly after and not having umbrellas (or many clothes at all on in my case) we got a little soaked. We got the train to the gay district and partied the night away in the relatively busy clubs! I got free drinks as I was a foreigner which was pretty dec! Another amazing day!

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