Friday 26 October 2012

Day 56: All you can drink and almost breaking my tailbone

After waking up I headed straight to Tokyo Sky Tree to do a little bit of shopping pour ma famille. I bought some fucking beautiful glittery blue chopsticks for myself and some nice little Japanese things for my gran and mum. I was starving and literally every single restaurant had queues going for days. In the UK when people see a queue for a restaurant they think "FUCK THAT". In Japan, when people see a queue for a restaurant they think "OH IT MUST BE GREAT LET'S QUEUE". So bizarre. I ended up in this German Oktoberfest themed restaurant... in Japan. Everything on the menu was extortionate so I got the cheapest thing and headed off home. I had some last minute packing things to do and washing clothes. I decided to go back to Harajuku, where 2 years earlier I had bought a ring from this cool silver jewellery store. At the time, the guy said I could come back and get it reshaped for free. While I was waiting, I had a look around the extortionate shop and found my ring design. It was genuinely the cheapest thing in the whole place, haaa. Are you sensing a trend here....

Well it gets worse, I then headed to Daiso which is a 100yen store (=80p) and bought some cheap shit to take home (e.g. more chopsticks). I then headed home to get ready for my night out with my shabu shabu bitches. I had to meet Dr Takeda one last time so he could sign my Elective Attendance sheet and give me my mark. I got a chance to see some of the doctors at the hospital and say goodbye and Dr Takeda signed my sheet and gave me top marks for everything (despite being admitted to my own A&E for being drunkenly unconscious) which was amazing. I said my goodbye and then I headed straight to the train station to meet my bitches in Shibuya. I went to this nomihoudai (all you can drink) restaurant with them and it was so much fun! I ordered two beers at a time because they were so slow at bringing our drinks! We had 3 hours to drink as much as we could. I really didn't think I was that drunk and maybe I wasn't in the restaurant but after we met Erik and headed to the club in Omotesando and got more drinks (again, two at a time) I was absolutely wasted. There is a huge 4 hour gap in the night where we somehow ended up in a bar in Shibuya with these English guys and I thought I was going to throw up so had to go home (it was 5am, so it was hardly like I was giving up).

I said goodbye to my girls and then jumped on the first train home. I got to the train station (not far away from my apartment). Really not difficult to get home but I was so drink I went the wrong way and had to get A TAXI HOME. I have made that journey about 20 times, so bad. I curled up into bed to prepare myself for the hangover of tomorrow! :(

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