Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 51: Last night in Taipei

Another hangover day, and Wayne was working again. All I had the energy to do was go for lunch and then grocery shopping with Wayne's flatmate Joe. I spent the day responding to emails and trying to update some of this blog but not getting very far. Joe said he would take me to a night market in Shili before going to meet Wayne later in the gay area. The night market was so crazy, so many disgusting food Joe made me eat, I honestly felt sick by the end of it. I got this crazy "massage" where this cute guy just hit me with some sticks, was cray. It was then I got assaulted by the crazy fruit lady, who stuffed a bit of mango down my throat and forced me into buy some of her fruit.

We then had to goto meet Wayne in the gay district along with a couple other friends. We went to this secret outdoor patio area where all the gays assemble on a saturday to smoke and drink together! It was actually pretty cool. After that we went to this S&M bar! As we arrived we quickly realised it was military night aha. The drinks were pretty cheap, and someone (JOHNNY) made me drink his absinthe so I got a lot drunker than intended. All of a sudden this blindfolded and GORGEOUS asian man (wearing nothing but y fronts) was lead across the room in a blindfold. They then spent about 15 mins tying him up in about 100 ropes. I actually got bored when they started whipping him I thought it was pretty tame... disappointing. I genuinely almost offered to go up myself and show them what S&M was ahahaha. Oh god I was definitely drunk. When the night was over we drunkenly fell into taxis and went home... my flight was pretty early the next morning. Shit.

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