Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 48: Taiwan National Day!

We had high hopes for what we were going to do today but we both ended up sleeping in! Instead we went for a nice tasty traditional Taiwanese lunch followed by some suit shopping for Wayne's flatmate Joe. After that we had to hop on the train to goto Taoyuan to meet Wayne's family and their friends for dinner! It was to celebrate Taiwan national day, yet we went to a Japanese restaurant. The staff were absolutely adorable and the food was amazing. There must have been like 10 courses and it was all stuff I had never tried before, including sea urchin. So good! After dinner, Wayne and I got the train back to Taipei and headed out to one of the gay bars called Funky. It was quiet when we arrived except for some of Wayne's friends but it quickly got more busy.

Some of my fave korean pop songs came on and I had to jealously watch as all the Taiwanese gays knew all the choreography. :( There were so many hot guys everywhere it was absolutely ridiculous. I think I drank more than I realised because I cannot remember leaving the club.

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