Saturday 13 October 2012


When we awoke from our slumber we were both very hungry so Jun and I decided to goto Roppongi hills for a nice lunch. We took the train a few stops before walking through the blistering heat until we eventually reached our destination. Jun took me to this amazingly authentic Italian Restaurant. It was literally like I had walked into a restaurant in Italy and all the staff were beautiful Italians. We opted for half and half pizza/lasagne and it wasn't long before I decided to get a cheeky glass of white wine. We then had these amazing chocolate and almond cakes before deciding to part ways. We both really wanted to go see the new Resident Evil film so we decided to do our own thing for the afternoon (Jun had a dance rehearsal to goto) and I needed to do chores at home before meeting up later on.

Most of my chores involved cleaning my room and doing my washing. Now I can barely do my own washing in Scotland. But throw in a fucking 40 year old washing machine with instructions ALL in Japanese and barely any washing powder, you got yourself a fucking disaster. I also had no clothes rack so I had to hang it up in my bathroom and then stick the heater on. Jun finished his rehearsal and said to come meet him in Shibuya. I left my washing to dry in the bathroom and got the underground to Shibuya. We met at Hachiko statue and crossed Shibuya Crossing to buy our cinema tickets. We didn't have much time to eat so we just had some KFC before the movie started. The cinema was absolutely boiling, so I sweated a beast. The film was amazing, we both absolutely loved it! One of the scenes actually involved Tokyo Shibuya Crossing, where we had been like minutes before getting to the cinema. It was so cool! Like being in the film aha!

After the film we walked around Shibuya for a bit before I decided to get a delicious crepe. We found this really retro Beer Bar to sit and chill in. They had Blue Planet on the TV and I found it difficult to concentrate when there were seals being eaten by whales. It was nice and chilled. Jun and I talked about where we wanted to be in 10 years. I missed the last train again and Jun's place wasn't far so I ended up crashing there again. I needed to be up early in the morning for my train to Nikko! :)

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