Saturday 13 October 2012

Day 42: Shabu Shabu Bitches

I spent the entire day packing my bag for Osaka, washing clothes and fixing all my flight details etc so I wouldn't fuck anything up for my little trips. So that part of the day was boring (yet extremely satisfying).

In the evening I had planned to meet Hayato, Shuho and Natsumi in Shibuya for dinner and drinks. I headed to the station and met them at Hachiko statue. We decided to have shabu shabu (which is where you dip lots of meat and veg into boiling hot pots of sauce basically, it's so good). It took us a while to find the restaurant and then we had to wait 20 minutes for them to have space for us. Natsumi's friend Midoriko joined us too and we took lots of photos with Shuho's cool camera while we were waiting. We were seated and we decided to go for all you can drink for an extra bit of money. It was also pretty much all you can eat too. The food was absolutely delicious and I filled up really quickly, though it was probably all the beers I ordered. We had so much fun together as we got more and more drunk! We took some videos of me teaching them all scottish words!

We spent the entire evening in the restaurant eating and drinking so much. After we left we took some funny Purikura photos before heading to the station. We took some funny photos next to Hachiko statue and then headed home. I blasted Taiwanese pop in my ears the entire journey home and was so drunk was mouthing out the words on my walk home from the station. I had to make sure and set a couple alarms so I didn't miss my flight to Osaka the following day aha.

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