Monday 1 October 2012

Day 36: Last day at Jikei and Medical student drinkathon

I headed to my final day at Jikei :(. After the morning conference I had to stand up and make another goodbye speech. They should really give a warning ha. Afterwards I chatted to Takahashi-sensei and we had a final secret cig round the back of the hospital. I took a photo with him in case I didn't get to see him again and he headed home (as he just finished his night shift). I spent my final day being very proactive. It didn't feel like my last day at all. I spent the last few hours organising my leaving party with Misono, one of the nurses. We decided for the Wednesday of my last day in Tokyo. I eventually finished and said my goodbyes! Hoping a lot of them would come to my leaving party.

I headed home to get ready for the medical student drinkathon and then headed to the medical school basement floor, where my friends were waiting. We went to the conveni and spent like 5000 yen (40 pounds) on booze and snacks ha. We got our drink on and we played a lot of drinking games. I taught them all international Rinking rules which helped people get more drunk ha. I met lots of new and fun medical students. I think I crashed out about 11pm but woke up again at 3am and woke people up to start drinking again haha. We went out for a cig and accidentally locked the door so had to climb back in through a window. We slept at 6am and when I woke at midday I had a big scratch down my ass cheek and one on my upper back. I can only assume I fell over.

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