Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 54: Resident Evil x2 and Pole Dancing Lesson

I left my morning empty so I could go for a walk around the nearby area in order to say goodbye. I had arranged to meet my friend Ryota later in the day. We met in Shinjuku Studio alta before heading to an arcade to take some purikura photos. We decided to play this amazing shooting game before heading to Wald9 cinema to see Resident Evil 5 (I had already seen it a few weeks prior but Ryota was dying to see it). Such a good film, shockingly I still jumped as many times as I did last time, not learning from last time.

After the film was finished Ryota said his pole dancing studio was free to use. I was dying for him to give me a pole dancing lesson. We headed to Shibuya and arrived at his studio, where his instructor Kaori was giving some hot girl a lesson in pole dancing. He made me put on the tiniest shorts before instructing me on some very basic pole dancing. It fucking hurt I can tell you that. Really makes you sweat hehe ;). Kaori was absolutely lovely and showed off a lot of her amazing high speed pole dancing skills. She was a nurse originally who went into pole dancing, which I thought was really cool. I met Ryota's other friend Haruna, who was about 145cm tall - 40cm shorter than me aha.

I invited Kaori out to dinner and the three of us headed to a nice restaurant nearby. Her english was very good so it was easy to converse with her. Like most asian women, she was 10 years older than I thought she was, which is crazy. Afterwards she took us to this petshop nearby to see the little puppy she wants to buy. She said she gave him the name of a famous samurai. He cost a fucking fortune though, better be worth it.

I said my goodbyes to Kaori :( and then Ryota and I decided we wanted to watch more Resident Evil films so headed back to his apartment and bought some munch too. I was in so much pain from the pole dancing, I was definitely going to regret it in the morning.

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