Saturday 20 October 2012

Day 47: Off to Taipei!!

I spent the morning getting ready for my trip to Taipei! Speaking to Wayne about where to meet and our plans for the week! I headed to Shimbashi station and got the monorail to the airport. After checking in I got some Taiwanese dollars before walking around some of the shops. I immediately saw the Hello Kitty shop and decided to see what useless crap the company had branded. The weirdest thing by far was the Hello Kitty branded dried cuttlefish... lol. A cool item I saw was an umbrella with a samurai sword handle. I wanted to get it but there was literally 0 reason to. I headed to my gate after attempting to buy an adapter plug and failing miserably.

Yet again, I was the only foreigner. I cant believe how long it took to get through the safety video and the generic captain announcements. Everything that needed to be said was first said in Japanese, then Mandarin and THEN English. So it took 3 times as long. IT INTERRUPTED MY FILM. I watched Elizabeth, starring Cate Blanchett and became incredibly obsessed with everything Elizabethan. Thanks Cate.

A couple of hours later I arrived in Taipei! Wayne was going to be a while cos he had to finish work still so I just sat in the arrivals area being stared at by everyone that walked past. At least when I caught people staring they would smile or laugh unlike Japan where people look ashamed of themselves. WAYNE ARRIVED soon after! We hadn't seen each other in over 2 years! We jumped in a taxi, and headed back to his. The taxis are SO cheap here. A 10 minute journey cost like 2 pounds lol, so not Edinburgh and I would know! We dumped my shit at his apartment, had a quick ciggie on his balcony and headed to meet his friends for dinner. They decided to have Japanese food, great. I'd not had enough of that recently! ahah! The dinner was delicious and his friends were SO nice. One of them exclaimed I looked like a doll. After dinner, Wayne and I headed to a few gay bars before heading home very late, and getting our McDonalds. The one I prayed to God for! :) He must love us gays, really!

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