Thursday 27 September 2012

Day 33: Showering the homeless man

I managed to get myself up painfully early for my journey to Kashiwa hospital. The temperature was a bit chilly but I genuinely miss the cold so I wore as little clothes as possible in order to embrace it. Some of the looks I got from people in their 3 layers were priceless. I got to shimbashi station and took a train to ueno. From there I switched to the Joban line. Whilst in the station I found a touch screen vending machine!!! So fucking cool.

The train to kashiwa station took about 40 minutes so I just wrote in my blog. I had to switch to a local line in order to get to Kita Kashiwa station. I totally misjudged my timing because I arrived almost an hour early haha. I waited for Ogawa-San to arrive and she couldn't believe I was wearing shorts and a tiny vest. She was freezing lol. I told her in Soviet Scotland it's always cold. We walked to the hospital which wasn't far away and she took me to the ER staff room and introduced me to the staff. Soon after, Hirokazu arrived (my med student drinking buddy) and we went to the case conference followed by a ward round. Lots of very interesting cases, some completely shocked me. We looked at a few CTs then I had to eat. I ended up buying Camembert flavored crisps. They did not taste good. The consultant told us there was a drug rep lecture at 12 and they have free lunch. Sold.

I didn't understand very much but my bento box lunch was genuinely vile. It looked expensive but tasted like absolute gads. Then this photographer started taking photos of the lecture audience. I smized tae fuck. We headed back to the ER but we were told to go rest in the bunk bed room until shit started to go down. Fine with me. I awake 4 hours later and we need to go clean a homeless man. Ok...

To be fair it was pretty fun. Like 8 people wearing aprons, gloves and masks just covering him in soap and buckets of water. We also gave him a good shave hah. Afterwards I got to apply Vaseline to some burns. Disgusting but kinda cool. After that there was nothing to do but fanny around with super Mario. Hiro read about 40 comics and lots of napping was done. We then had a delicious steak and rice dinner and then listened to one of the doctors presentations on heart attacks.

Afterwards it was late enough that we could just sleep and chill. The other doctors slept too so I didn't feel totally redundant.

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