Thursday 6 September 2012

Day 11: Clip clop into my mouth you delicious animal

My 2nd week at Jikei! I was still feeling tired from my amazing weekend! But I headed into the hospital for 8am and sat through another set of case presentations, with one of the doctors trying to translate for me as best they could. It was definitely a very quiet day in the hospital, a lot of chest pain patients presented, and of course more elderly people falling. One of the doctors I hadn't really spoken to was laughing with me about when I came into ER last week drunk. She asked if I remembered being sat in the waiting area talking to a "big fat American man" and I obviously didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Oh dear...

For lunch we had curry again (they really love it here), except this time I had cheese curry... An interesting experience let's just say, was pretty tasty though. We were watching more crazy Japanese TV and when my colleagues had finished I decided to rest my eyes on the couch and ended up having a cheeky 40 winks. I headed back into the hospital and Dr Takeda said he needed to go observe some cardiac catheterisation in the other building and he wanted me to go with him. We headed across and we bumped into lots of prestigious professors that I was introduced to as "the elective student from Scotland". We got to the catheterisation and I realised it was one of the patients that had presented to the ER, they were looking into their coronary arteries to look for narrowing.

We then went for a wee tour around the ICU, the hospital is so new and clean in this building! He then asked if i'd seen the VIP suites, I was like "the WHAT?". He took me up to the 22nd floor of the hospital and showed me some of the rooms for rich VIPs who stay in the hospital. They cost as little as 70,000yen a night (like 500 pounds...) Who can even afford that though? They were amazing though and had a great view. Great place to be ill I guess.

We went back down to the ER and not much had really changed. I got to look at lots of CTs and X-rays which was really useful. I got away at 5pm today which was a first, it meant I got to get some things done before meeting my friend. I caught up with my friend Hirotaka and we headed out to Shimbashi for some dinner! He said he was dying to get me to try some raw horse so I thought why not? I doubt they're going to sell that in the UK anywhere. It was actually pretty delicious! Tasted a bit like chicken, but then don't all things.

It was full of "Salary-men", which are basically middle-class white shirt-wearing business men. Shimbashi is business district so whenever you go anywhere in the evening you always see a sea of white shirts. After we were done, I had a craving to watch Kill Bill because it had been years so we grabbed a few lemon ciders and some junk food (seaweed flavour crisps, not quite the same) and went home to watch Uma Thurman kick some ass. :)

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