Saturday 15 September 2012

Day 21: Medical English and LGBT+

Looks like I spoke too soon. I was running so late to this hospital this morning I had to have a shower in the hospital after the case conference. Not that surprisingly the shower was a lot better than the one at my apartment. Maybe I would be late more often. Generic day at the hospital, so don't need to go into details. I was due in Ikebukuro to meet Hirotaka in the afternoon so I got away early.

Hirotaka studies medicine at another university in Tokyo and invited me to his medical English class. Its taught by mainly western doctors (including an English guy) so I thought it would be fun to go along. There was a big turn out and we got put into random groups for little group work challenges. The aim of today was how to take a sexual history from patients in English. I always found this very interesting so I knew a lot about how to take a history. Not to mention I have been to the GUM
clinic (FOR CHECK UPS) a number of times.

I was actually a little surprised how little people knew. I guess Japan is very conservative. Not used to asking people how many shags they've had in the past 3 months. It was actually really fun because although I didn't really learn anything I was able to teach the other medical students (and even a cardiologist) about the best ways to sensitively ask questions in English. The whole session made me realise how much I enjoyed sexual health.

The topic of sexuality came up and I knew I might have to voice some opinions. I did have to clarify a few facts that were thrown in but I was happy to make an input. It definitely made me realise that doctors should get extra specific training on dealing with LGBT people.

After the session Hirotaka and his friend took me to a nice restaurant full of delicious food. We ordered far too much and I almost exploded. His friend said farewell and I decided the night wasn't over. I googled gay bars in the area and found one called zoo (later realising it was a bear bar Lololololololol).

A tiny little bar with only 6 seats we sat down and were served so many little treats by the host, this tubby old cute man with a beard. He was absolutely hilarious. Honestly reminded me of Hattori Hanzo! He even said "you're Japanese verrrry goooood" like he says ha!

Such a funny way to end the day!

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