Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 29: Will's Leaving Party :'(

I spent the next day chilling like a villain until it was time to head to Shibuya with Will for his leaving party :(

We got on the train and headed to the hachiko statue to meet his friend Nat. After she arrived we tried to find somewhere to eat and ended up in this restaurant which describes itself as "aquarium dining" and right they were as the restaurant had aquariums everywhere. I was hoping to be scuba diving for my meal but you know whatever. We got this amazing pot of cheese, meat and vegetables over a hot plate. Nat told us how she was extremely allergic to the mushrooms in our pot and only found out when she came to Japan. I naturally shat myself and assumed the same would happen to me.

We chatted about literally everything and as we were finishing dinner lots more people arrived at shibuya station. We met up with ItoKen and Nami and walked to beat bar, this place where lots of western bands goto and sign the wall. It was very cool and also very small. More and more people arrived and it turned into a real party. All of wills friends were really nice and there was even a guy from Manchester. Yuka and Ayumi arrived too. My favorite thing was when Yuka said her boss was "so bitch" for making her stay late in the office hahah.

We kept drinking and more people kept coming! I smoked about a million fags. As last train time was approaching a lot of people dropped out going to the club. We managed to convince our new Swedish friend to come with us though. We headed out from Beat into the pouring rain and tried to find TRUMP room. We got lost and ended befriending a bunch of Japanese people our age who were trying to find it. As a team we managed and headed into the club which was so packed. We were there for like 5 hours so to summarise: I made lots of new friends, spent far too much money, pole danced, fell over and took some Japanese girls with me. I had such a good night and it was a great send off for Will :(

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