Tuesday 4 September 2012

Day 9: Hugh Jackman, Arty Farty and Bingo Coupons

Nikita and I ended up in the bar really late so I ended up sleeping in until quite late! I was meeting Tak and Studio Alta in Shinjuku for our long awaited night out so I essentially just got ready and went out to meet him! I arrived into Shinjuku station and oh my lord was it busy busy. I catwalked out the station and headed over to studio alta, where Tak was already waiting! We said our hellos then headed over to the Skyscraper district! We were planning on having dinner in the Park Hyatt (the place they had drinks in Lost in Translation) but first made a little detour to the Square Enix shop (video game geeks will ken what I'm on about).

It was pretty cool inside but everything was so overpriced and all stuff that only a collector would appreciate. The jewellery was literally extortionate. But then it always does seem so in this country. Maybe it's cos it's actually decent here unlike the cheap shite back at home. We made our way to the Park Hyatt. The bar/grill was on the 52nd floor or something ridiculous. It took a wee while to actually find it but when we did it was worth it! Had to take like 3 lifts. We got to the front desk and the woman very kindly informed us that we could not wear shorts in the bar. I thought the jig was up, but she asked our waist sizes and informed us she was going to fetch us some trousers to wear. I could not believe it! Only in Japan, eh.

I walked into the bathroom cubicle to change and the seat automatically stood up, I honestly shat myself but then again I was in the right place so it was aight. We headed out in our mismatching trousers and shirts into the bar. It was like a dream, so nice inside. I had been to see it last time but I definitely could not afford anything last time. We were sat next to the piano and were informed a jazz band would be performing later on. I looked at the menu and could not believe how expensive some things were. 60 pound for a steak? I'd rather have 60 drinks at GHQ thanks. I quickly scanned for the cheapest thing on the menu, which still sounded pretty delicious and ordered a beer.

The atmosphere was really nice, dim lighting and we came just in time for the sun going down. So we could spot all the light in the skyscrapers going on. It was really pretty, honestly. Our food came and it was so oishii. We just sat chatting forever and relaxing. It started to get busier and busier and eventually the jazz band came out. Once we were finished we changed back into our schemey shorts and headed downstairs for a taxi. Whilst walking through a corridor on the 41st floor I heard a big commotion in front of us and saw lots of teenage girls screaming and surrounding this older gentleman with a beard and cap on. I heard a strong australian accent and realised who it was. HUGH JACKMAN. My heart started racing, the biggest celebrity I'd ever seen was Jodie Marsh and I really wish that story wasn't true. I whipped my phone out and took a couple photos. I wanted to ask for one too but I was too scared he would get his Wolverine claws out and slash my face.

My darling Hugh ran off after his cute little son and we headed to the elevator. I don't know why I was being such a little fangirl about it but it just felt so exciting to have seen him in person! Anyway, we jumped into a taxi and headed to Shinjuku Nichome (Tokyo Gay Town essentially). We headed straight for my favourite bar: Dragon. Hot men in pants serving you drinks and snacks? What's not to love. Tak went to get us a drink and I found a seat. I was quickly summoned over by him because two Japanese girls at the bar wanted to meet me. They said they loved my hair, my eyes and my skin haha! I really hoped they weren't straight and luckily they were a couple, a very cute couple who could speak a little bit of English.

We all sat down together and chatted away. Soon my good friends Naing and Bunny arrived and we were reunited after 2 years :) I was so happy to see them again! We managed to gather a good group of us before heading to Arty Farty (one of the gay clubs in Tokyo). As we were arriving the bingo was starting. We bought our drinks and got tickets! My numbers came up one by one! I was going nuts at the prospect of winning and eventually I did! I got my prize and I thought he said 1000 yen drinks coupons. Which was a shit prize, but I realised it was 5000 yen! That's like 40 pounds! Drinks were on me... for me. ahaha

We headed to the other gay club and it was pretty packed. There is this REALLY weird law now in Tokyo that you can't dance in clubs unless they have a license. Don't me ask me why, I really don't understand. We ended up going to the Conveni to get more beer and drink on the street like twats. We went to arty farty for a little bit longer before I got a taxi home. I had SUCH a good night and made so many new friends! Got a few guys' numbers too aha! Awoopa!

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