Sunday 2 September 2012

Day 7: Raw Chicken and Sake

Another day at Jikei! Again I went to the case conference except this time Dr Takeda wasn't in so I just sat and pretended I knew what was going on. I absolutely didn't! Again, it was a different team in today so lots of new faces/new friends to make :) There were 2 cute little Japanese female doctors working today and they were very keen to try speak to me in English. One of them was literally about 5ft tall so I towered over her. A really funny male doctor was in too, and he had massive hair. There wasn't much going on so I told them about the Scottish Medical Education system! They were shocked to hear I paid no tuition fees. Apparently medical school in Japan costs 200,000 pounds... AHA oh well can't win 'em all.

The doctors were a lot of fun today so it made the day go a lot quicker. They were trying to tell me lots of jokes in "English" and some of them just didn't work aha. By lunch time I was literally ravenous, and we ordered Thai food today. They sure do love eating food that isn't Japanese at this hospital... After lunch Professor Ogawa (the boss) came down to say hi and told me he wanted me to go see some "LIVE ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY"i.e. the patient was completely awake. Apparently it was some sort of revolutionary historic surgery going on and it was being performed by one of the most famous surgeons in Japan. The cute little doctor said she would take me over and show me where to get changed etc.

We walked along and she took me to the men's changing room, and I got my white scrubs on, mask and cap and waited for her at the other side. The clogs were all about 5 sizes too small. She came running round the corner in her mask, cap and scrubs to take me upstairs and we headed up to the operating theatre. This must have been some famous guy cos there were cameras everywhere and apparently they were video links to a massive audience of other famous surgeons. Felt a bit out of place aha. I watched for a good hour or so and it was pretty interesting! But surgery does get a bit boring. I headed back to the doctors room and my feet were fucking killing me so I had a wee lie down on the bunk bed to rest my eyes.

2 hours later I woke up and realised i'd missed most of the afternoon lol. No matter, there was still time to see more patients and spend time with the cute doctors. I was getting very excited about finishing work because I had planned to meet 2 of my other doctor colleagues and they were taking me out for dinner and drinks. It came by relatively quickly and I ran to get ready when the clock struck 6.45pm! They were waiting in the reception and we walked the 5 minute walk to Dr Funamizu's favourite restaurant. It specialised in all different kinds of chicken, and I didn't realise until we got there but most of what they served was raw chicken! I'm not one to turn down food, and I assumed it was going to be absolutely fine to eat. So I went for it, Dr Funamizu was very surprised how easy it was to get me to eat it! I have to admit, it was absolutely delicious! Just tasted like raw fish tbh. I started drinking lots and lots of beer and after a while Dr Funamizu ordered lots of sake for us to have! What a bad idea.

We just kept doing lots of shots, over and over. We created a rule that if you left the table, you had to do two shots when you came back. Another bad idea. I think we just got a LITTLE bit carried away because we destroyed 3 bottles of sake and I had 5/6 pints of beer. I got absolutely mashed and I literally have no idea what happened the rest of the night. All I know is that the three of us went to the hospital ER and demanded they put drips in our arms and my consultant was there to witness the embarrassment. So ashamed of myself (but not really). It was an AMAZING night! :)

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