Saturday 15 September 2012

Day 20: Lion Cake, Pizza Buffet and Anne Hathababes

For the first time... in Drag Race history: I was early for the hospital (7.30am start for the conference). I was so proud of myself! There has since been no repeat of the hamburger for breakfast and like last week it was more rice balls and green tea for breakfast. I was sat with Drs Ito and Takahashi and they were very helpful at translating the talk on reducing hospital acquired infections. I even got a little sticker to put on my name badge saying I'd attended aha. Me and my smoker buddies went for a secretto cigaretto before starting our shift.

I actually got to do quite a lot today, the nurses have started calling my name in Japanese (ポール: pronounced POH-ROO) and asking me to do helpful things! Woopa. A drunk patient came in who required restraining and I was on hand to help out, felt like a bouncer. They required stitching on their head and I got my gloves on and had to hold their head in place. Even though it wasn't remotely medical I still felt part of the team. I always felt like I was just getting in the way before but I felt helpful now finally.

For lunch I had a big set meal of ramen, rice and gyoza and I was quickly informed by Dr Funamizu that I ate my food in the exact opposite order of the way you're supposed to. Japan is hard :( After lunch there were a few more patients in the ER but nothing too crazy, I was due in Ikebukuro to meet Yuka for dinner and cinema and so I asked my consultant (at 4.30) if I could please leave at 5 and he literally said: just go now, you've done well today. Chaching! And off I was to Ikebukuro in North East Tokyo! I got on the underground and was listening to more Kill Bill Volume 1 Soundtrack, so good. Could not believe how packed the train was to Ikebukuro. The line wasn't so great because it kept like braking at stupid points and people would just like fall right over aha.

I got to the station and arrived a little bit early. I thought it might be nice to buy Yuka something nice as a way of saying thank you for organising my part-a. I found this cute little cake shop and they sold all different animals, intricately designed onto delicious cakes! So hard to choose but the lion looked the best! It was actually relatively cheap too! I headed to the proper exit and waited for Yuka to arrive. She arrived looking really good for someone who has been working all day! We decided to find the cinema first and then look for a place to eat cos we had 45 mins to spare. After walking in circles for 15 mins we eventually found the place, bought our tickets for The Dark Knight Rises and headed to a nearby pizza place! It was a pizza buffet which was decent but they had some weird toppings. I also accidentally picked up a dessert pizza and ate it after a slice of pepperoni. Disgusting.

We went to watch The Dark Knight Rises (2nd time for me) and it was sooo good (again) and then headed home cos it lasts about 10 hours aha.

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