Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 30: Don't think with your dick

I spent most of the day recovering and watching Raising Hope. Such a good show. My friend Soh eventually convinced me to go out to Shinjuku to meet him for dinner. I craved a Burger King for no reason so we went there. The plan was to go out in nichome but as it started raining Soh decided to head for home. I was still up for a fun night out so messages some friends who happened to be in roppongi! I literally sprinted for the last train to take me there.

When I arrived: Shuho and Hayato were there waiting for me. I quickly downed a lime cider and we headed into this club called Jumanji55. They tried to convince me to pretend I was a model so I would get in for free but I was top scared I'd get my face slashed by a real model ha. When we got in the club I met like 10 of their friends and people were pretty drunk. Everyone was so nice and friendly!

It got too busy upstairs so we went downstairs and it was full of beautiful people. It was a bit cunty that models got free drinks as well. I ended up dancing with this hot Russian model. only cos she was a complete third wheel with her friends (who were almost shagging in the club). What was cool was when I ordered a beer I would take a gulp straight away and the cool barman would refill it haha. We went to the convenience store once to buy cheap booze. Whilst outside a drunk man apparently told me to not think with my dick and to go back to my own country. k. we went back to the club and ended up staying the whole night before heading into the station. We said our goodbyes and I got on my train home.

I was drunker than I realised and ended up arguing with this American guy who told me I was going to hell for being gay. Delightful how these assholes exist everywhere. I think I told him he was a cunt and hell sounded like a great party. I missed my stop by about 10 and wandered around in the rain until I found a McDonald's breakfast. I soon worked out I was near my friends apartment so I called them at like 5am and told them I was coming over. Haha

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