Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 26: Eating is never cheating...

I was absolutely shattered after the previous night shift and didn't get a whole lot of sleep before my next one. I headed to the hospital to find lots of cool doctors were working this nightshift with me. There were also two medical students that I soon started talking to as well. One had lived in the US for 5 years so his English was really good. Nothing cray cray happened on this night shift tbh. I dozed off for an hour or so around 1 o clock but after that I didn't feel any sleepiness. Things were extremely slow in the ER but that's always a good thing because it means people don't need medical attention haha so I can't really complain can I?

Eventually I decided to catch up with all my blogs that I was behind with so I spent a good while doing that while the other medical students ko'd from exhaustion. I had this weird energy gel and felt like I could run a marathon. I suspected the secret ingredient was probably speed.

I was absolutely ravenous by like 6am and I was praying the case conference this morning would provide nice food. The drug company gave us this kind of bento box and I'm not really sure what was actually inside. I ate it anyway. I feel bad for the drug companies, they come out to promote a new drug, bring us all lots of free food, no one really pays attention then they just leave haha!

After the shift the other medical students fancied a wee bevvy. How wrong I was to accept lol. It started out so well, but as we drank more I forgot to eat anything to compensate. Anyway it was lots of fun and for the record I was extremely exhausted and had actually gotten to the entrance of my apartment building. I guess I forgot the entrance code and fell asleep outside. Someone must have found me, panicked and phoned an ambulance. Not as bad as it sounds. Lol...

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