Friday 14 September 2012

Day 16: A huge chunk of cabbage

I literally spent the entire day in bed watching true blood. Drinking lots of fluids in order to get rid of my wee illness. It did seem to work and by the time I had to get ready to meet my friend I felt a lot better. I travelled to Shinjuku Studio Alta to meet my friend Ryota. His English isn't so good so we had to utilise google translate a few times.

He took me to a Yakitori restaurant nearby. Yakitori is like chicken skewers. He ordered soooo much food and beer. Along with the Yakitori this absolutely huge chunk of cabbage arrived too. Yes, I ate it with chopsticks and yes it was very difficult. To get into the restaurant we had to take our shoes off and stick them in a locker. Walking around barefeet in restaurants is strangely fun.

After our meal we went for some beer and treats, before going to chill at Ryotas apartment. He likes a lot of the same music and actually knows who Dir en grey are. One of my favourite Japanese bands. We just kept smoking and drinking! Such a good Saturday evening. I think it may have killed whatever illness I had lol.

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