Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 32: Sometimes you just need pizza

I had the worst sleep ever the night before. My new a/c started leaking so I had to turn it off and rely on an open balcony to keep me cold . That made me worry I was going to get robbed (despite living on the 6th floor...) and I couldn't sleep. I got up early and was so tired. I got to the hospital on time and sat through the case conference. I am definitely getting better at understanding what they are talking about.

Dr takahashi was finishing his night shift so I was chatting to him which is always fun. He talked about how he used to work in a host bar. Host bars are places rich people goto spend time with beautiful people for extortionate prices. It's essentially like a brothel without the sex. He says he used to get lots of gifts from his clients but they were "not very beautiful". Hahahaha he's such a funny guy. There was another medical student on today too so we hung out too. There really wasn't a lot to do though. There were some very interesting cases to learn about though.

I spent time with the secretary talking about Scottish food. She almost fell off her chair when I told her about haggis. She can't speak a word of English so talking with her is always quite fun. She was taking me to Kashiwa hospital the following day so we arranged a time and place to meet up.

For the afternoon, it was pretty quiet and I got away early. I did a little spring clean before going to meet Nikita for pizza. I was feeling a bit homesick so he decided to cheer me up which was nice of him! I had an early night before my early journey to Kashiwa Hospital.

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