Thursday 6 September 2012

Day 12: Maybe not my best idea

I woke up in the morning and genuinely felt awful, perhaps the raw horse wasnae my best idea. I messaged my colleague to tell them I didn't think I could make it in today. I stayed in bed and tried to rest. I needed to run a few errands in the afternoon, like getting more money out. There is only one kind of bank that I can withdraw from so I tend to just withdraw a couple hundred pounds (10s of thousands of yen) at a time and then work my way through it, there just so happened to be a Citibank in my area so I dragged myself out of bed and got my moneys, I treated myself to a nice late lunch and headed home to rest some more.

I met my friend Bunny in the evening when I was feeling a bit better and we ate loads of delicious food and watched some paralympics coverage! I did not know how amazing it was to watch sitting volleyball! Japan's coverage of their medal-winning athletes was tear-jerking. It was really nice to watch. We ended up watching Wrath of the Titans (a film I didn't get to finish on my plane trip here) ;) and I went home for an early night. An uneventful day, but I was feeling better than I did when I woke up.

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