Friday 7 September 2012

Day 14: Rooftop Beer

I headed in again at 8am, but didn't manage to fit in breakfast. After the cases had been presented I decided to goto the Starbucks in the hospital (I know, so wasted on me) and get a "Sausage pie"- essentially just a sausage roll and some blueberry yoghurt granola. One of the doctors had never seen granola before in his life, so I explained to him it was a big bunch of yummyness. I headed back into the ER and it was really quiet again. I explained to some staff about why I was so young and finishing medical school so soon. I got to chatting to a medical student who was the year below me but 4 years older. Thank god for the UK medical education system.

I also had to draw a map of Europe for some of the nurses who had no idea where Scotland was. They were surprised to find it was just north of England. Another nurse asked me if I had blonde armpit hair to which I said yes. She giggled like a schoolgirl (even though she was in her 40s) and ran off embarrassed. To be fair I usually get asked more personal questions than that...

There were a few interesting cases today, which kept us all busy but they came in one at a time so that whenever they were in like 10 doctors would be dealing with them! It did mean someone could tell me what was going on. For lunch we had Thai food again which was yummy! I spent a lot of my lunch talking to my parents on whatsapp which was nice. Afterwards we headed back to the ER! It became really quiet after a busy morning and towards the end of the day I started to get a bit of a sore head/sore throat.

I left early and headed to the pharmacy round the corner to buy some painkillers and my delicious gel beauty tonic aha. I then headed to get some food and groceries. I walked around the grocery store and only managed to buy some juice, yoghurt, and philly cheese. I didn't have a FUCKING CLUE what anything else in the store was...

I headed home to chill for a bit and eat dinner. My neighbour William decided to go get us some beers and we hung out for a bit. We ended up on on the rooftop (almost) of our building smoking some cigs and taking in the view! Was a good way to end the day.

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