Tuesday 18 September 2012

Day 22: A restaurant revisited

I again was a little bit late for the hospital this morning. That bear bar host much have spiked my drink loolol. Again, there wasn't too much going on at the hospital. Dr Takahashi was in today and he is literally one of the funnest people in existence. He speaks good english and was good at getting me involved. We went for our little secret cigarettes now and again, definitely found a nest of rats next to the bins we smoke by and I definitely shat my pants. Lost some man points but tbf you can't lose something you never had.

I got away a little bit early again today, I just had nice chilled plans with William this evening. I went to go save him from his hangover and take him out to dinner at a restaurant I used to love when I was in Japan 2 years ago. We used my new app to find an even quicker route to Shinjuku! Only 22 minutes from our station. However when we arrived we discovered the catch was that it took us into the part of the station that was furthest from the main exit. So we fought through about a million people to get to the other side and it probably took us the same time as normal ha.

I found the old restaurant relatively easily but to my shock they didnt serve the same delicious set meal I had before so I had something else which was okay. William was so tired and hungover so we just went for a quick drink in Nichome before heading home for an early night ha.

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