Friday 7 September 2012

Day 13: Running through Tokyo

I headed to the hospital for 8am and was feeling a lot better since the raw horse incident. I had a morning of conferences and again understood very little. Dr Takeda was very helpful in translating most of it for me. The medical students who were now attached to the ER gave presentations to the full staffroom. Afterwards they were given a grilling by the senior doctors on the cases. I'm glad grilling medical students happens worldwide aha. Again, there was free food lying around! I managed to get some rice balls and 2 of them were delicious, the third had something inside that almost made hurl and I threw it straight away ha.

I hit the ER for a bit but it had become a lot quieter than last week. The rest of the day didn't really change and I got away a bit earlier again because I still didn't feel too great. My American friend Doug had asked me to go for a run with him up in Ningyocho and I thought it might make me feel a bit better. I headed up on the underground with my running gear and we set off from his apartment. It was just starting to get dark so I was scared my night blindness would kick in and I'd fall in the river. Doug is like 6ft 6 and runs long distances for fun (weirdo) so we split up so I wouldn't hold him back. We ran to the river (about a km from his place) and then went separate directions. I was sweating a beast already but it felt amazing! I hadn't exercised since the summer so it had been a long time coming.

I ran past so many people with dogs and thought I was going to trip over a leash or something. The waves of the river were splashing onto the walkway and it was kinda refreshing. It was totally dark now and I could see the Tokyo Sky Tree in the distance, all lit up and pretty! I managed to get to the meeting spot a lot earlier than I expected myself to so I had time to cool down before we ran back home to shower. We headed out to get some well-earned sushi for dinner! It was like any revolving sushi place except this time you had a touch screen in front of you to order more! Doug had 10% coupons so it only cost like 15 pound for the masses I managed to eat.

I ended up gorging on ice cream and crisps afterwards to reward my run which kinda defeated the purpose but as if I care aha. I definitely felt very fresh anyway, full of endorphins. Good way to end my day!

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