Friday 7 September 2012

Day 15: Pizza and Picnics

I woke up and genuinely felt so ill. I could hardly stand up and my head was throbbing. I made the decision that I couldn't go into the hospital. I probably had some sort of virus or something so I didn't want to spread it to any of the patients. I just stayed at home eating, taking painkillers and watching True Blood. I think I had probably just being overdoing everything a little bit so I needed to calm the fuck down and chill. I did start to feel better towards the end of the day and my neighbour William thought it would be nice for me to get some fresh air.

We bought a few beers and headed out to Harajuku for some dinner. I love Harajuku, it's always full of the most interesting looking people. We went looking for this restaurant he'd been to where you can get a burger and all you can drink beer for 1500 yen (12 pounds) but when we got there, there was some kind of gig on so we didn't get in aha. Instead we found this really retro looking pizza joint and decided to see how the Japanese make pizza. We ended up ordering a 2L jug of beer and getting a huge "pepperloni" pizza. It tasted divine. I just wish I hadn't felt so crappy.

We headed over to Yoyogi Park which isn't far from Harajuku to goto this friday night picnic event. Will had been to it before and said it was very chilled and just people gathering to drink. We got there and it was pretty busy! Everyone was chatting away. These two lovely people came over to chat to us to find out our stories etc. One girl looked about 16 and she eventually revealed she was in fact 32. I honestly couldn't believe it. This other woman came over and spoke perfect English to us. People were pretty friendly.

William's friend joined us shortly after and it was nice to just chill. I got an email from Jo Kelly to say that our decile ranking scores had come out (relevant for our first job applications) and I was a little bit disappointed which was a bummer but I guess I only had myself to blame. Just need to ace the exam we have in December, which is possible. This white guy came over to us to say hi. Will asked his name and he said "Taku", Will looking confused said "Taku?". "I'm half japanese" he said. Will and I looked at each other. He was 100% white and had a Canadian accent. To quote Karen Dunbar: "I smell shite. Definitely shite." There are so many white people in Japan who pretend like they are actually Japanese. So weird, like that guy in Nip/Tuck who got that eye operation to look asian...

ANYWAY, it started to rain and I was feeling a bit crappy still so Will and I got the train back to Shimbashi and had a nice early night to try and get rid of this illness before my Birthday Party on Sunday evening. :)

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