Tuesday 18 September 2012

Day 23: Masterchef Marathon

I woke up absolutely craving a burger and managed to find a Freshness Burger restaurant for lunch. I had the biggest mf'ing burger on the menu and it was absolutely delicious. I was so exhausted from my full week so I decided to just have a day at home. Someone posted a video up on facebook of a masterchef contestant who was completely blind. After I weeped over her amazing achievements and cookery skills I decided to indulge myself in a little Masterchef Marathon.

My only other plan was to meet Nikita after his work for some wine and cigs. We ended up in a playpark at like 2am smoking and drinking like plebs and talking about politics. It was so late so I just crashed at his place and we watched youtube videos until the early hours. So nice and chilled.

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