Tuesday 4 September 2012

Day 8: The World's Worst Hangover

I woke up at 7am, dazed and confused! My head was throbbing and I think I may have still been a little bit drunk. I downed about 2 pints of water and then started to read the letter on my table:

"Hey dude,
I found you asleep in the elevator, helped you get into your apartment... I left a bottle of aquarius in the fridge for you, help you rehydrate in the morning, I suspect you might need it haha."

It came from Will, the Australian boy who lives next door to me (he's also here for his elective). If he hadn't found me and dragged me home who knows where i'd be. Probably still in the elevator lol.

For some reason I thought it was THE MOST IMPORTANT THING to get to the hospital asap and be there for the morning meeting. I stumbled into the shower and almost slipped and died. I ran to the hospital and got sat down at the meeting, everything seemed so blurry. Dr Saito (who was out with me) was there too and looked a little bit worse for wear too. After the meeting I bought more water and then sat in the staff room for a bit. A couple of the night shift doctors surrounded me and asked me if I was feeling better/if I was hungover. I asked how they knew I was hungover.

"You came into Jikei ER last night drunk with Drs Funamizu and Saito..." I could not believe it. We came in and Dr Funamizu said it would be best if I had an IV drip put in but then apparently we disappeared. So awful, they all found it funny and I thought my consultant would be mad but he was just worried for my safety (so that's okay lol). I felt so embarrassed, but moreso hungover so I took a lie down on the bunk bed in order to feel a bit better. I ended up going home not long after just to literally sleep the day off. I have never experienced a sake hangover and I don't think I want to experience it ever again!!

I decided to go explore Takadanobaba later in the evening just for a spot of dinner. I found a cool wee restaurant and when I sat down the staff politely pointed me to a touch screen computer where I was supposed to select my meal. Why not just ask me what I want? Ah well this is Japan I guess. It printed out a little ticket for me and I gave it to the waiter. Soon after my enormous meal came out and I almost threw up thinking about eating. Soon after I had to go meet my friend Nikita after work. I had to take a couple trains to get to the proper station. It was getting quite late at night and people turn crazy in the train stations cos of the last trains home. Hundreds of people just stamped past you to get to their trains. Was a little bit scary actually!

I met my friend at his bar and then he took me in a taxi (my first time in a Tokyo Taxi, was fun) to this really cool bar. It was really dark inside and full of cigarette smoke. There was a really cool looking drag queen in the back (completely randomly, I didn't even think this was a gay bar). We just relaxed and chatted it was nice! I was shocked to find out this location wasn't even that far from my place so it didn't take me too long to get home :) I started the day and ended the day with alcohol inside me, yaya.

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