Friday 14 September 2012

Day 17: Birthday Party

I genuinely woke up from my chilled evening of alcohol and cigarettes feeling a whole lot better. I got ready and headed into Shinjuku to meet Justin, who I'd not seen in two years! I wanted to goto a bar (at like 2pm) but he informed me that on a Sunday afternoon in Tokyo it was unlikely for bars to be open, I was devastated so we just went to Tully's coffee and caught up! I had to head home to get ready for tonight (I had 0 clue what I was going to wear) all just to come back into Shinjuku again. I decided it would be nice for me to wear nice trousers (for the first time in this roasting city) and a nice shirt. I made sure William got ready on time and we headed into Shinjuku early.

Yuka planned the entire evening at Pasela Resort in Shinjuku, a Karaoke restaurant. We arrived first and waited for everyone to come. Yuka got there first out of everyone and went to the front desk to confirm our reservation. We were on the fourth floor and were given a room number. It was like checking into a hotel, and we genuinely had our own private room with a huge table and widescreen TV for the karaoke! It was amazing! Little by little everyone arrived into the room and it started to fill up nicely! William and I were the only ones who didn't speak very good Japanese in the whole room! It was a great bunch of people! It was all you can drink so we ordered soooooo much to drink! The food eventually came and it was delicious!

It wasn't long before William was first up on the karaoke, he sure does love that karaoke! Like a proper Japanese person! It really is enjoyable to sit in a private room with friends and just fucking go for it on that mic. Not as embarrassing as the cringes that sing Adele at CC's or Priscilla's (before it shut lolo). Anyway, ha, Yuka gave me a really cool Adidas jacket (she works for Adidas) that I am definitely going to wear and a magnetic photo of Aya and us together in Shibuya 2 years ago. Yoichi and Chase gave me this cool face massager that will keep me looking young. Ayumi gave me a beautiful rose. Yuka loves her surprises and she presented me with a massive heart-shaped pillow with messages from everyone wishing me a Happy Birthday! Such a good memento of the occasion! :)

All of a sudden this MASSIVE birthday comes out of nowhere and everyone starts singing Happy Birthday! Afterwards I graced everyone with my beautiful voice. I absolutely butchered Celine Dion and some Lady Gaga too. If Whitney Houston wasn't dead before, she sure is now. Absolutely murdered "The Greatest Love of All". It was still fun though! People in the UK take Karaoke so seriously, as if they're saying "I could totes win X Factor with this voice but I wudnae dae it". Aye pal.

Everyone started devouring the cake but I wanted to keep mine! We went downstairs and asked if I could get a doggy bag for it (so plebby aha), and they said no. I literally downed my huge slice and almost choked to death in doing so. It was really late so some people had to run off for the last train while the rest of us took some purikura photos (in the cool booths!) Such a good Birthday party! 22 in Tokyo, bitches!

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